Friday, August 26, 2011

Back to school, first day for Anaïs!

The girls started school last Tuesday and were SO excited about it. This was Anaïs' very first day of preschool and I can't believe how well she has been doing, not one tear!!!
We put the girls back in private school and I could not be happier about it.
Here they are on the first day, ready to go! Sam (2nd grade) and Anaïs (preschool): I also love going back to much easier!

At this point, they both stopped posing for pictures and wanted to get going:

Fist day was a success and they could not wait to go back on the second day:

We are very pleased with the school and how they are handling Anaïs' differences. We found the right place for our daughters' education, and that is a great feeling.


Kerri said...

she looks so ready, she is a cutie!

Unknown said...

Cutie patooties! Love the uniform thing....wish we had that here!! Happy to hear they are at such a great school!

Destini said...

So glad you have found such a great school! And I'm totally jealous of the uniforms - Taylor's fashionista insticts could easily break me! Have a great year Sam and Anais!

Kim said...

Wow. Anais could not be happier if she tried! Look at that smile. I cannot believe Sam is already in the second grade. I know you are a big fan of uniforms as am I. Preston is going to the public kindergarten but I always have my eye out for the private school he'll be going to for high school. Here's to a great year! Off to read your trip blogs now!