Monday, April 26, 2010

Feeling better now!

Yesterday Sam was sick and when she woke up this morning she still wasn't 100% so I decided to keep her home from school. By 9:00 this morning she was pretty much back to normal. She had been invited to her friend's house for a pool playdate so I decided to go ahead and still go since she was feeling better. She had SO much fun!
Anaïs got in the water too and loved it!

Then we stayed for dinner. It was great and we had a good time!


Jaime said...

Looks like a fun day in the sun! So glad that Sam is feeling better!

Melissa Swartley said...

Swimming! Ok, I'm jealous! I can't wait for warmer weather here! Looks like you all had a wonderful time! Glad to hear Sam is feeling better! Cute pic's!

Lisa said...

What a great day! Swimming does sound awesome!

Kim said...

Oh my! That makes me miss our pool on Long Island sooooo much! It looks so refreshing. Anais is really enjoying the water-that is awesome. Glad to hear Sam is also feeling better!