Yesterday and today I took a bunch of pictures that I need to post on here before I get lazy.
Yesterday, the girls had fun blowing bubbles at home and looking for bugs. Sam blew the bubbles and Anaïs tried to catch them, it was pretty cute.
Taking a moment to think about
Then, today we went to the park and had a picnic. Sam had been wanting to go to this park to feed the birds and ducks. We went out and bought bagel sandwiches from one of our favorite places around here and also brought some bread to feed the ducks.
Then we walked to the playground area so Sam could play and run off some of her energy. Anaïs was getting tired so I held her while she was drinking a bottle of milk and she ended up falling asleep on my lap and took a little nap.
When she woke up she was in a pretty good mood and decided she wanted to get on the swing.
And last but not least, here is Sam looking so grown up!!!
{Christmas 2023}
5 months ago
Anais is such a cutie pie!! And Sam looks so much like you in that last picture! She's beautiful! :)
Beautiful park pictures! The girls look like they have so much fun together!
I love seeing your girls all happy and having fun together! It seems like all my kids do is fight! Such sweet pictures of both of them!
Anais is so adorable!! Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing!
Looks like a fun day at the park! Hanna has that same outfit - the one from the first couple of pictures. She just got it for her birthday - it's adorable and I can't wait for her to wear it. Sam looks so much like you in that last picture! :-)
I love these pictures! I think my fave is the second one of Anais-she is just a little character. I think because Sam is so outgoing she is showing Anais how to be an all around happy little girl! Two beauties!
Your girls are so sweet! Beautiful pictures at the park - love the pictures of Sam and Anais on the swings!
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