Sunday, June 28, 2009

The good thing and the bad thing...

Well, the good thing about my mom being in town is that we have so much fun with her. My mom is the kind of person who just makes you laugh all the time and who is never boring!! I remember when I was a kid, I LOVED hanging out with my mom, even as a teenager! When she comes to visit, we always have a great time and we love having her around. The girls love her too because she is the kind of grandma every kid wants to have. She sits with Sam and colors with her for HOURS!!
I guess the bad thing about having my mom in town is that I have a lot less time and discipline to blog!! LOL

She brought some toys from France for the girls, here is Anaïs playing with one of hers.

Today, we just had a laid back day. We had to go to Target this morning because I was running out of diapers and then we went to the pool.


Unknown said...

Moms are AWESOME! I either see or talk to my mom every single day. It must be hard for you when your mom leaves to go back to France! So glad that you are having such a wonderful visit! She looks like a super grandmother!

Courbieres said...

Ohhh MON DIEU!!!!!
Il suffit qu'elle arrive pour que Sam et Anaîs fassent les zinzins; Mdrrr!!!!!!!!!!

Kim said...

I love my mom too! We are the best of friends. You must miss her tremendously! It is obvious her love for the girls and theirs right back at their grandma. Can't wait to meet her in New York!

Melissa Swartley said...

Cute pictures! Moms are awesome! I'm also very close with my mom!

Destini said...

Yay for your mom visiting! I can't imagine not seeing my mom at least once a week! Anais' expressions just crack me up, what a big personality! Have a great time in NYC!

mejane said...

Enjoy your mom and don't worry about blogging. Take lots of pictures and you can always catch us up later. Have fun in NYC!!!

Unknown said...

How hard it is for you to be so many miles from your mom. You can see all the love. I miss my mother living in Arizona. My mother is quite a few years older than myself and not in the best of health so with that being said....enjoy as much time as you can with your mother as possible.

Greene Family said...

Cute pictures! It looks like you all are having a great time with your mom visiting! You can tell how much she loves her granddaughters and vice-versa! Enjoy your time with her here, and have a great time in NYC!

Mike Mallinson said...

I don't think I have to tell you that your three-times-a-day posts are excessive, anyway. You're just making us slackers look bad! If your mom slows you down to only posting once or twice a day, it's probably a good thing anyway.


It's great to have grandma stay with you, though - Cherylle's mom stayed with us for part of this week and it was so amazing to have her help - I got way spoiled while she was here!

See you guys in a few days!!