Yesterday was Sam's first day at Pre-K, she was so excited!! She is now officially a big kid according to her! This is her third year at her school, we love it there. She has a lot of really good friends and everyone there (teachers, staff, parents) is so nice. She had a really good first day and did not want to leave when I went to pick her up at 3:00.
On a different note, I also experienced kids commenting on Anais' condition for the first time. It was unexpected and I honestly didn't really know how to took me by surprise.One kid commented on how big her head is and I said "you're right, her head is big" and that was the end of it. Another kid said she looked scary....Ok, that was hard for me to hear and my heart stopped. I know I need to toughen up and come up with come back lines but I was speechless. It was just heartbreaking. I know kids will be kids and they don't do it to be mean so I just need to learn how to respond.
Anyway, here are some pictures of yesterday:
{Christmas 2023}
5 months ago
What a big kid you are Sam! I'm so glad she is liking school! I'm sure that makes it easier for you :)
So sorry you had to deal with your first comment. My heart is breaking, not only for little Anais, but for all of our beautiful LP kids. I just don't understand how we will ever get used to hearing such horrible things. I know that kids don't mean to be hurtful, but it doesn't ease the pain. What a lucky little girl she is to have a great mom like you!
Ah - now I understand the Facebook status! Yeah, I remember Cherylle's reaction to the first few - heck, the continuing comments. It started last Thanksgiving when we were back in Ohio at my sister's house - we went to the Waffle House (god, I wish we had those out here in CA!) for breakfast, and the waitress kept coming over to admire Caitlin. Finally she asked how old Caits was, and when we told her Caits was four months, all she could say was "wow, she's little". Our response was "yep, she sure is", to which she just repeated, "no, she's really little! My neice is the same age and is much larger!" Mind you, we'd just gotten the diagnosis a few weeks earlier, and Cherylle was feeling extremely sensitive, so this really didn't go over well.
Since then, most of the unusual reactions have been strange looks and double takes, but we've also heard numerous comments on her head size, both to us and between people watching her.
Fortunately, there are far more reactions to her happy, smiling face, and those are extremely positive. She can be such a crowd-stopper sometimes - walking through the mall, with her either in my arms or in the stroller, and looking around, smiling and giggling, I've had many, many people just stop and smile back, or even comment on how cute she is. These really go a long way to help make up for the negatives! Hopefully, you start getting more of those the older she gets - especially when she starts developing her little personality and (gasp - god forbid!) flirting, as Caitlin is already doing!
Sam looks literally precious in her uniform and it looks as if she is just settling right into school.
As for the comments-wow! I have had a few comments from kids his own age calling him a baby-but you know what? He is in the stoller pointing right back saying baby, so maybe it's just an age thing. One father at day care was next to me ready to get out-super impatient mind you to get his kids in the car and he said to his son who was about 3 1/2 watch out for the baby. That did not bother me at all, but was funny was the kid is in the class above Preston but they all know each other and he said, "No Dad. That's Preston and he is a big boy."
You are going to get some comments, and children are the meanest because their filters are never turned on. You keep proudly showing off Anais because she is so precious!
Tell sam I LOVE her backpack!
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