He ALWAYS wants to take care of his girls and loves them so much. I wanted to post these pictures of Jeff and Anais because you can really see the bond they share, it is so precious.
Also, in these pictures Anais is in her favorite position. She loves to be held upright against our chests with her head tilted back...it is so funny to see. We of course came up with a little nickname for her because of that position. She reminds us of the Great Sphinx in that position because of the way her head is extended and her arms are below her chin. Anyway, WE see the resemblance! LOL

It's so nice to see your husband with Anais. She is so cute and he looks like a great daddy! You are very lucky! (And so are the girls)
He is in love for sure!!
Daddy's girls are the best ever!! I had one with Caitlin for a while, but then mommy brainwashed her and got her back... but I'm working on it - you see if I don't get her back focused on me!
Anyway, the head tip thing might relate back to the achon thing as well - our Caitlin used to love to tip her head back as far as she could, and when sleeping or relaxing in the car seat, she'd crank her head back and to the side so that she ended up looking up over her own right ear, in a position you'd swear her neck would have to be broken to get into! It looks like it's a comfort thing, since it allows the airways to open up a bit more and allow breathing to be easier.
Yay for babies!
So cute! I love Jeff, he's such cute Dad.
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