It is a tough world out there and that notion is hard for a sweet kid like Sam to understand.
I know every mom says the same thing about her kids, but Sam has such a good heart! I sometimes hear girls her age make fun of others, be mean to each other, pick on each other etc...that is not how Sam is. She is nice to everyone in her school, accepts everybody the way they are, doesn't care about superficial things and really treats others well.
I guess today at school they had to write a holiday wish list and here is what she wrote:
Now, when I saw this my first reaction was to be really surprised because Sam doesn't care that her sister is different. She knows a lot of little people and truly doesn't care about the fact that they look different than her. She actually is proud of her sister's difference, just like we are.
So I asked her what made her write that and she said that it hurts her feelings when she hears people making comments about
Anaïs or making fun of her. Yes, we sometimes hear kids (or grown ups) comment on how
Anaïs has a big head, or how her legs are so short, or that she looks funny etc...
We as parents learn how to deal with these things and even if it still hurts
every time, we just put on our strong face and keep going. But we have to remember that this is hard on our children, they have such a pure heart that it hurts them so much when they are confronted with the harshness of our society. This was a good opportunity to talk to Sam about her sister and to tell her why people might make fun of her. Not everybody is lucky enough to know someone "different", someone who is so special that they change you forever for the better. We are the lucky ones and those people who make fun just don't know any better and how much they are missing out. We are the ones with a fuller life, a life filled with amazing people. A life filled with love and compassion and not hatred.
So please, if you read this take the time to talk to your children about the fact that people come in different sizes, shapes and colors and that it is the very thing that makes this world a better place.